With continuous workplace challenges caused by technology, which accelerated during the Covid pandemic, it is safe to assume that the half-life of skills has shrunk even further.
A growing threat to business performance is a mismatch between the skills an organization requires to achieve its goals and the skills its employees or job applicants actually possess.
So, how do you ensure that your employees have the skills necessary to meet the day-to-day demands of the modern business world? A skill gap analysis quiz is the best way to answer that question and understand your workforce’s requirements to prepare for upcoming industry changes.
In this blog, we will discuss skill gap analysis and its importance in today’s time. We would also learn the process to create a skill gap analysis quiz and some tips to create an efficient skill gap analysis questionnaire.
Check out a sample skill gap analysis quiz created using the QSM plugin:
Key Highlights:
- What is Skill Gap Analysis Quiz?
- Advantages of Using a Skill Gap Analysis Quiz
- Effective Strategies to Make a Skill Gap Analysis Quiz
- How to Create a Skill Gap Analysis Quiz?
What is Skill Gap Analysis Quiz?

A skill gap analysis quiz, also known as a skills gap assessment, is the process of determining the gap between employees’ current skills and the skills required to perform a specific job well or to meet industry demands.
You can conduct the analysis at the individual, organizational, or societal level as a critical component of workforce planning and development.
A skill gap analysis quiz is required to identify areas where there is a shortage of skilled workers or a mismatch between current and required skills. There are numerous reasons for skill gaps, including:
- Technological progress
- Inadequate training Demographic shifts
- Globalization
- Changing customer requirements
Identifying the root cause of these gaps using a skill gap analysis quiz can assist organizations in developing strategies to address them.
Effective Strategies to Make a Skill Gap Analysis Quiz
A skills gap analysis quiz may appear simple and straightforward, but it requires careful planning and attention to detail. We will walk you through the top five steps that you can take:
#1 Set SMART objectives
Without proper goals, any fact-finding mission can go wrong. Only when you know what you want to achieve in the long run, you can identify skills gaps using the skill gap analysis quizzes. This may necessitate thinking about the big picture, such as revising mission statements and desired outcomes.
Once you have determined what you want to achieve in the next five to ten years, you will be able to tell if you are on the right track.
Specific Improve employee technical skills.
Measurable Assess your skills to identify gaps and track your progress.
Achievable Employees should be assigned mentors and trained on a regular basis.
Relevant In this digital realm, technology expertise is essential for a company’s development.
Time-Bound Boost employee new tech expertise by 20% over the next 6 months.
#2 Determine Present Skills
If you notice that your workforce is not becoming more efficient, or worse, is becoming less efficient, as new technology is introduced, it is time to develop a skill gap analysis quiz plan.

To implement a successful skill gap analysis, the first step is to identify your workforce’s current skill set in order to determine which employee groups are suffering the most.
You can obtain valuable information for your skills gap analysis by obtaining information from:
- Rates of turnover
- Key performance indicators that have not been met (KPIs)
- Performance appraisals
- Discussions with key front-line managers
- Interviews at the end of a career
- Team evaluations
- Job knowledge assessments
- 360-degree feedback
- Behavioral evaluations
#3 Determine Future Skills
To identify future skills, consider the organization’s goals for the next five years and make a list of the skills required to achieve those new goals.
Understanding the key trends in your industry and the competitive landscape in 5 to 10 years can assist you in determining the target range of skills required.
However, not every skill will be required for your business. So, before assessing skill gaps, there are two critical factors to consider:
- What skills do you value as a company?
- What skills do you believe are necessary for your employees to perform well now and in the future?
Examine your company’s objectives, job roles, and job descriptions. You can now survey your employees to find out what skills they want to learn. Involving them in this process will make them feel included and will help them understand what skills they lack.
#4 Determine the Gaps
You can identify areas of mismatch once you have measured the existing and required skills.
These disparities could be current gaps or those that do not align with the future. Identifying these gaps can assist you in designing immediate solutions and determining the priorities for your future business.
Skill gap analysis quiz examples include:
- New hires who lack the technical knowledge required to operate upcoming machinery or software that will be introduced to your industry within the next five years.
- Existing employees are not keeping up with changing legal jargon in the medical or insurance industries.
Once you’ve identified a shortage of critical skills or the existence of a gap, you can take steps to address the problem in the future.

#5 Fill skill gaps through appropriate training methods
Once you’ve collected employee data and identified skill gaps, choose the best training method to close the gap. As an example:
(A) Offline training
Offline training takes place in a traditional classroom setting and can be handled internally by someone who is well-versed in the subject matter or by hiring an expert trainer to create a learning environment for your team members.
(B) Online training
Online training has become one of the most widely used employee training methods, particularly in post-pandemic environments where employees are dispersed and unable to attend in-person training sessions. Employees can learn in the comfort of their own homes, according to their individual learning styles and needs, thanks to eLearning.
As technology evolves, so do the skill requirements of businesses. As a result, conducting a skill gap analysis only once is insufficient. The analysis must be performed on a continuous basis (for example, on a 3-5 year cycle).
How to Create a Skill Gap Analysis Quiz?
Step 1: Create a Template for the Quiz
This step is essential in defining the look and feel of your quiz. In general, there are two methods for creating an online quiz. You can use a professionally designed template or create your own quiz.
With the QSM plugin, you can create a quiz from scratch according to your website’s requirements. A template can sometimes be problematic to fit in, therefore moving ahead from scratch is a better option.
You can customize the quiz completely, and use QSM Addons like Reporting and Analysis Addon, ActiveCampaign Addon, Google Sheets Connector Addon, and a lot for a skill gap analysis quiz.
Learn How to Create a Quiz in QSM
Step 2: Creating a Suitable Questionnaire
The most important part of any quiz is the questionnaire. While creating a skill gap analysis quiz, one should remember to equip the questions that assess knowledge or a skill set.

There could be different types of questionnaires to choose from. If you want to assess the marketing potential and the current situation you can go for the:
(A) Product Assessment
Product assessment is the method of determining a product’s overall success and safety for consumer use. You can use gap analysis to determine whether the product’s features and functionalities work as promised by your company. You can use customer feedback to determine which areas of your product require improvement in order for it to become an instant market hit.
(B) Sales Achievement
Every organization, large or small, is entirely reliant on sales. After all, increased sales mean increased profits and business longevity. The sales team can perform a gap analysis to determine the difference between actual sales and sales forecasts or targets.
They can shape their marketing efforts to meet targets in the next quarter once they have identified the reasons. If the targets are met or exceeded, you can provide appropriate incentives to your sales professionals.
(B) Soft Skills Assessment
More than often, soft skills can make or break a job role in a professional setup. It is essential to identify such soft skills and help employees work through them with motivation and support. To identify a soft skill gap, you can create a role-centric quiz and assess the qualities required for the role by a questionnaire.
Following through these, some skill gap analysis questions could be:
- What do you think you are best at?
- When tasks are assigned, which of the following do you avoid?
- What would you like to become better at, in your current role, at your organization?
- Where do you see your career pivoting in the coming years?
- Which skills do you feel you are currently ill-equipped with?
- When it comes to people management, what is the most appropriate about you?

Step 3: Creating Quiz and Sharing with Employees
Once you have added your questionnaire to the quiz page, you can configure the quiz according to the look and feel of your website. Further, you can share the quiz with your employees.
In a professional setup, online quizzes are usually dedicated to certain privateers. You can add a security post to your quiz by making it only available for logged-in users.
Also Read: How to Create a Quiz for Logged-in Users?
Advantages of Using a Skill Gap Analysis Quiz
#1 Identify Potential Improvement Areas
A skills gap analysis will assist you in identifying the skills and knowledge that employees require to perform their jobs effectively.
So, how do you find these gaps? Make use of an online quiz assessment tool!
With the best assessment solution, you’ll have access to a variety of editable templates and question banks that will assist you in quickly creating skills gap assessments. Fill in the blanks, MCQs, true or false, match the following, and other formats are available for your assessments.

#2 Create Efficient Training Programs
When skill gaps are identified, it is easier to determine which areas require improvement.
As a result, you can create customized training opportunities to meet the specific needs of your employees. You can create personalized learning paths to assist your learners in taking courses that are appropriate for their needs. This ensures that your training programs are both relevant and effective.
#3 Makes plans for digitalization
Businesses continue to adopt new digital tools and processes to improve productivity and revenue as technology evolves. Digital transformation occurs when a company begins to adapt to these changes. Companies benefit from digital transformation because it allows them to innovate and grow. Employees, on the other hand, frequently fall through the cracks of these transformation efforts, which is where a skills gap analysis comes in.
How do you conduct a skills gap analysis?
Simply put, you begin by identifying the necessary skills based on the mission and business objectives of the organization. Then you gather data and conduct an analysis of your employees’ current knowledge and skills. Finally, you devise a strategy to address the skill gaps you’ve identified (by developing hiring for different skills, job redesign, etc.).
How do you identify a skill gap?
Some ways to identify a skill gap are:
1. Conduct a Skills Gap Analysis
2. Talk to Current Managers
3. Collect Data
4. Meet with Employees
What is a skills gap analysis example?
For example, your employee in a leadership role is lacking the skill of people management. You can easily analyze this by a skills gap analysis.
Many companies do not invest in their employees’ success. Instead of looking for ways to increase employee engagement through learning and development opportunities, they hire people who already have the skills they need.
Unfortunately, hiring is an expensive and time-consuming process. Businesses, fortunately, can save money while increasing loyalty and engagement by investing in their current employees.
Also Read: 10 Fun Quizzes and Surveys for Team Building and Employee Engagement
Using the Quiz and Survey Master plugin to create skill gap analysis quizzes could help you determine how can you help current employees to succeed. You can also ease your hiring process by creating quizzes for job interviews and recruitment.
To make the most of the QSM plugin you can opt for the Pro Bundle of Addons by QSM. You will get all the 30+ Addons that can boost your marketing game!