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How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress? (9 Easy Steps)


“Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a very popular video game of the survival horror genre. An FNAF quiz will help your target audience to know which FNAF character they resemble the most. Since the characters in the game are very unique and all of them bring a different aspect to the game, “Five Nights at Freddy’s” is a very popular video game all over the globe. 

Quiz and Survey Master is a WordPress quiz plugin that helps create an FNAF personality quiz with just a few clicks. It has various customizable options to make your FNAF quiz more relatable to your audience. Its user-friendly interface makes it, even more, easier to use. 

Read the further blog to know how you can make an FNAF quiz in WordPress.

What is FNAF? 

Soon after the game was published, it created a huge fanbase and the FNAF quiz started to pop up. People created thousands of questionnaires to help players find out which FNAF character they were. There are around 48 characters in the game and you can help your audience find which character they resemble the most by an FNAF quiz. 

Five Nights at Freddy’s, better known as FNAF, is a survival horror video game, created by Scott Cawthon in 2014. This video game consists of 9 games and in each game, there are different challenges one has to face. The game revolves around the scary stories of robotic dolls which died due to some supernatural activities. The player has to survive the fatal attacks by scary dolls and find their way out of the locked locations. 

Installing the QSM Plugin

To create a quiz, we need a wonderful WordPress Quiz plugin as well. To download the Quiz and survey master plugin, you can go for two options.

Option 1: To download from your WordPress dashboard

  • Go to your plugins menu in the WordPress dashboard
  • Search for “QSM” or “Quiz and Survey Master” in the search bar
  • Spot the QSM plugin
  • Click on Install and then activate
  • Your plugin is ready to use

Option 2: To download from WordPress’s official website

  • On the WordPress website, go to the plugins menu
  • Search for “QSM” or “Quiz and Survey Master” in the search bar
  • Download the setup to install the plugin
  • After the .zip file has been downloaded, toggle to your WordPress website
  • Go to the Plugins menu
  • Click on “upload plugin”
  • Drop your .zip file into the dialog box
  • Click install and activate
  • Your plugin is ready to use.
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

How You Can Create an FNAF Quiz With Quiz and Survey Master?

Firstly, to make an FNAF quiz, you need to download Quiz and Survey Master to your WordPress. Install and activate Quiz and Survey Master and follow the below-mentioned steps to create an FNAF quiz. 

Step 1: Add a New Form

After installation of Quiz and Survey Master to your WordPress site, Add a new form for your FNAF quiz, by clicking on “Add New”. 

Give your form an engaging name in the “Quiz Name” field. Select “Quiz” in the “ Form Type” as we want to create an FNAF quiz. Select a grading system. 

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

Decide a time limit for your quiz. Enabling “Require User Login” will force quiz takers to log in before taking the FNAF quiz. Next, click on “Create Quiz” to create a new form for your FNAF quiz

Step 2: Adding questions to your quiz

Click on “Question Type” to select the type of question you need for your FNAF quiz. This WordPress quiz plugin has 15 different question types. Choose one that you need for your FNAF quiz. Next, select the appropriate answer type by clicking on “Answer Type”. 

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

Now that you have selected question type and answer type, it’s time to add questions and answers to your FNAF quiz. Add your questions and respective answers in the question and answer field. 

You can select categories for your questions and also add a featured image to the respective question.

Once done with the first question, click on “Save Question” to save the question in your FNAF quiz. Likewise, add all the questions and save them.

You can use questions like:

  • Who is your favorite animatronic?
  • What is your favorite job?
  • What is your birthday month?
  • Which is your favorite animal species? 
  • What is your favorite color?
  • Who is your favorite original animatronic?
  • What is your favorite way to kill your enemies?
  • Do you think killing is fun?
  • What would make you kill another person?
  • What are your phobias?
  • Which tool would you use to kill someone?
  • Which Animatronic do you hate the most?
  • Which nickname would suit you in the FNAF universe?
  • What is the most amazing part of being animatronic?
  • Which is your favorite FNAF game?

Step 3: Creating a Contact Form

To collect your user’s information and to approach them for future opportunities, you should create a contact form for your FNAF quiz. Using the data collected, you can reach out to them, promote your business, and generate more leads. 

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

Click on the “Contact” tab and add a new field for the contact form. Select field type and label it. After that, select for what purpose the respective field is used. Checking “Yes” in “Required”, will force your users to fill the field. 

After completing all these steps, save it by clicking on the button below. You can delete or duplicate the field by clicking on the buttons provided at the bottom left of the interface. Add all the contact fields with the same steps and save them.

Step 4: Creating Text

Quiz and Survey Master allow you to show text to your users at different times

Click on the “Select Message” and you will have various options for when the text should appear to the quiz takers. Personalize the text using various template variables. Quiz and Survey Master have some allowed variables, which you can find on the right side of the interface. Simply click on them to copy and paste them into the text field to use in your FNAF quiz.

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

Customize your labels with the various options available in the “Text “ tab.  

After editing the text, save it, by clicking on the button “Save Text Message”.

Step 5: Customizing Options

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

Quiz and Survey Master also allow you to customize and personalize your quiz with various options. The “Options” tab, allows you to have control over the users’ activity and how you want them to perform the quiz. For instance, you can limit the attempts and entries to the quiz or you can show question numbers. Explore it and save all the changes in the quiz by clicking on “Save Changes”.

Step 6: Edit Emails

After taking a quiz you should send your users an email. The “Email” tab can help you in sending emails to your users. 

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

You can handle which email should be sent to which user, and when it should be sent. Add conditions on when a specific mail should be sent to a respective user, by clicking on “Add Additional Conditions”. You can customize and individualize the subject and the body of the email with various template variables available. 

Click on “Save Emails” to save that email and add another email to the quiz with different conditions by clicking on “Add New Mail”.

Step 7: Results Page

At the end of the quiz, you will have to provide your users with a result page to let them know which FNAF personality they are. Quiz and Survey Master have various options to edit the result pages for your users.

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

Hover to the “Result Pages” tab and select when a specific result should be shown to a specific user by clicking on “Add Additional Conditions”. 

Customize the text using various options and insert template variables to edit text, by clicking on “Insert Template Variables”.

Step 8: Styles

After completing all the steps it’s time to make your FNAF quiz look esthetic visually. Hover to the “Styles” tab to add themes to your quiz.

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?
How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?

There are some predefined themes from which you can choose one that fits your quiz. If not satisfied with that, you can also customize themes using “Custom CSS”.

Quiz and Survey Master also offers you Premium themes which you can use and make your quiz look amazing. 

Step 9: Preview and publish

And now you are about to complete your quiz. At last, you need to preview your quiz to check if it is just like your requirements or does it need any changes. If it does, you can always go back and make changes. After the final preview, publish your quiz on your website.

How to Create an FNAF Quiz in WordPress?


What is the hardest question in FNaF?

The hardest question in FNAF could be “Who did the stab of 87?” or “What is the order of bullies?”

Is FNaF a true story?

FNAF is a true story. It happened in real life

What are some FNaF questions?

Which tool would you use to kill someone?
Which Animatronic do you hate the most?
Which nickname would suit you in the FNAF universe?
What is the most amazing part of being animatronic?
Which is your favorite FNAF game?


With these simple and easy 8 steps, you will be able to make an FNAF character quiz in WordPress. FNAF has 48 characters like Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica, Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, and many more. Helping your users to find which FNAF characters are, will increase your engagement and will generate more leads. 

Quiz and Survey Master is a WordPress quiz plugin that helps you make quizzes for your WordPress. It has various options which you can use to customize and personalize your quizzes. QSM Pro bundle has various amazing addons which make your work a lot easier and quicker. 

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