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How to Make the Quiz Results Page Attractive?


Are you still searching for how to create attractive quiz results pages for your blog? Or typing on Google search, the WordPress quiz plugin that offers the best optimization feature?

Quiz and Survey Master is the top charter among the best quiz and survey plugins globally. Even the name suggests that this plugin is the “master” of quizzes.

When it comes to creating results pages and optimizing them, you can always rely on the QSM results page template variables features for the best results.

In this blog, we will talk about everything related to quiz results pages, why are they important and how can you beautify results pages using the QSM plugin.

What is a Quiz results page?

A quiz can have different components, depending on the type of quiz you are trying to create and the target audience of the quiz.

For example, when creating a bipolar disorder quiz for a certain age group of people, there has to be a different tally of data and research.

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How to create an attractive quiz results page- What is a quiz results page?

Similarly, this could largely vary according to your genre of the quiz.

Even so, there is a routine and all accepted rules when making a quiz. There is a particular way in which a quiz or survey functions. Let us understand through a flowchart.

Quiz Link
How to create an attractive quiz results page- What is a quiz results page?

Importance of Results Pages

Now a question might arise, why do we even need results pages? The answer might lie in the way you approach the question itself.

If you are making a quiz to engage more audiences and marketing your products or services through the quiz, this might be the best way to do it.

By linking out resources on your result page, you can create a bigger group of audience as well as reach out to more people.

1. Produces Insights

You can document the insights and reach of your quiz by using an efficient quiz result page design. This is also an indirect method of promotion.

2. Expands the email list

A quiz result page design that allows visitors to enter their email addresses for email follow-ups or a data list can also help you reach more people.

3. Enhances brand recognition

The design of an interactive quiz result page can also serve to raise brand recognition. It is critical not to lose sight of the goal while designing.

How to create an attractive quiz results page- the importance of results page
How to create an attractive quiz results page- the importance of the results page

4. Increases trustworthiness

The quiz result page includes connections to your website, blog, FAQs, reviews, email dialogue box, and other resources, it gives your users a sense of authority and confidence.

How to use QSM to create attractive results pages?

As we promised to bring to you the best method to create an attractive quiz results page, here we are.


Let us go through the simple 2 step method of creating a beautiful and interactive quiz results page, which would be simple yet significant for any quiz.

In simple words, the two steps to the agenda are:

1. Creating relational data

When you make a quiz on the QSM plugin, you will be asked to enter some points for the answers, or probably choose between the correct and incorrect options.

With those options, you could create a relation between the results pages.

For example, you are creating a national anthem survey, and you want to check how many people land up with more than 70% correctness.

You can add simple conditional formatting as shown in the picture.

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The specific results page will be shown when the condition is fulfilled. Otherwise, you will be shown another result page.

This way you can co-relate your points and grade system with your quiz result pages.

In this way, your audience would be able to relate while choosing the options and the quiz results page would be more accurate.

2. Using Template Variables

Unlike creating relational data is a common practice observed in the online quiz-making world, using template variables is exclusive to QSM.

The most simple way to understand these template variables is to look at their functioning.

How to create an attractive quiz results page- QSM features
How to create an attractive quiz results page- QSM features

Template variables are key-worded codes. Just like HTML tags, these template variables provide you with the said information on the results page.

Now you might think, how are they helpful?

For any quiz, a result page is a mandatory part of the process. It not only shows the users their results for the quiz but also acts as a medium for marketing branches.

These branches are the links to other resources. This could link to your marketplace website, link to your bookstore, link to share the quiz, link to share quiz results and the list goes on.

The quiz results page could be modified easily and in no time using the template variables.

Related: Learn all about template Variables

Let us see the function for both of the methods, the use of relational data, and template variables in the example of a love language quiz.

In this, you would be able to observe, that we have chosen a set range of scored points for different results pages.

How to create an attractive quiz results page- QSM features
How to create an attractive quiz results page- QSM features

Similarly, there are different results pages on the quiz. Each of them shows different results including different captions and pictures.

On every result page, you are required to link out external resources that could be either your business website or even your food blog or wellness blog.

Bonus: The Logic add-on

Since it is the best plugin that we are talking about here, there has to be something more to it, which gives it an extra edge over other plugins.

The logic add-on is an extension for your QSM quizzes and QSM surveys.

As the name suggests, it is a relation-settling tool used to hide or show a particular question according to user inputs for certain values.

How to create an attractive quiz results page- QSM Logic Addon
How to create an attractive quiz results page- QSM Logic Addon

This directly affects the quiz results page, even though it is not a direct component of it. You can set and deeply optimize your results pages based on the add-on features.

Related: Learn all about Logic Addon


What is the best online quiz maker?

The Quiz and Survey Master plugin for WordPress is the best online quiz maker. It is free to use and you can create endless quizzes and surveys with its free-to-use themes and add-ons!

How do I create an online quiz for students?

You can follow the given steps to create an online quiz for students:
Step 1: Creating the Quiz Questionnaire
Step 2: Installing the QSM Plugin
Step 3: Create a Quiz according to the subject/topic
Step 4: Publishing the Quiz
Step 5: Restricting Access or Leaderboard

Final Thoughts

Concluding this blog, I would like to draw your attention to how QSM surveys and QSM quizzes stand out, just because of their simple, foundation-level, optimizations.

You can see the difference between a completely optimized quiz segment and a callously drawn quiz segment.

User engagement differs and thus is the kind of competition you see in the market today, it is all the more essential to find out ways in which you can sell yourself, better than others.

If you liked this article, you might also like what some questioning strategies and secrets to generate leads with a quiz

What’s New: QSM Pro Bundle

QSM plugin adds new features to improve your quiz-making experience. We have the QSM Pro Bundle of Add-ons for you in the year 2024 when the renewal phase begins.

The Pro package of add-ons includes all of the features you will ever need. This bundle consists of 30+ plugin add-ons and accessibility for 10 sites! Yes, you read that correctly: the Pro bundle grants you access to ten sites at once, including all add-ons.

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