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How to create a Timer based Online Exam in WordPress?


Want to create an online exam for your users which is timer-based to display it on your WordPress Website for free? We’ve got you covered!

We have an awesome WordPress Plugin just for that, its called Quiz and Survey Master that will help you in this process.

User engagement and retainment is an important aspect of today’s era. Hearing out from your users will definitely help you in shaping the future goals of your business and will also in getting valuable suggestions.

Simply download and install our plugin from the WordPress plugin directory. And, head to the Quizzes/Surveys section on the sidebar. Once in, create a new quiz/survey by clicking on “Add New”

Type any name as you wish, I’m going to name it as “Online Exam” and press “Create.” This creates a new post with your given name. Hover the cursor on the newly created post and press “Edit”.

This opens up a window with multiple Tabs. With the first being, Questions Tab. Click “Create New Page” and then “Create New Question”.

Choose the Type of question you want to display from the drop-down list. I’m going to create a multiple-choice question, so I’m selecting Multiple Choice as my question type and writing down my question in the below text-box.

Also, I will provide the user with 4 options to select from by clicking the “Add New Answer!” button. Tick the correct answer checkbox and allot some points to it. Rest all leave it as zero. Hit “Save Question”

By the same process, I’ve created two new pages with different Question Types, a Number Question Type and a Drop Down Question Type.

Move on to the next Contact Tab. You would want the user to put in his name and email address before commencing the Test. For that, press the “Add New Field” button.

Select “Small Open Answer” as the Field Type and Type “Name” as the label. Also, select “Name” from the Used For dropdown list. Make sure you tick the  “Required?” checkbox for forcing the users to enter their name.

Again, Press the “Add New Field” button and create a Field For “Email”, type the label as “Email” and select “Email” from the Used For dropdown list. And, then go ahead and press the save “Save Contact Fields” button to save the configuration.

Now move to the Text tab, in the “Message Displayed Before Quiz” box type the message you would want to display to the user before they commence their Test/Survey.

There will be some pre-written text, you can customize it with your own using the allowed Template Variables. These Template Variables are used for the temporary storage of the data and can be called at the time of the Result.

Also, scroll down and check out the various Text Messages. After making all the required changes hit the “Save Changes” button and move to the “Options” tab.

Go ahead, and have a look at the various options available. Tweak them as per your needs. I selected the “Correct/Incorrect” option from “Which system is this quiz graded on?” and made the quiz timer to “2” minutes.

This will make the Test/Survey of 2 minutes and start the timer when the user sees the first question.

The next tab is the “Emails” tab, which is pre-configured, this sends an email to the admin whenever a condition is met. I won’t make any changes in it and keep it with its original configuration.

Next is the “Results Pages” tab, in this tab you need to configure how the result would be displayed to the user. You can play around with this and make your own configuration. I made the following changes.

Thanks for submitting your response %USER_NAME%.

You took %TIMER_MINUTES% minutes and scored %POINT_SCORE% Points!

You had %AMOUNT_CORRECT% correct answers

Hit the “Save Results Pages” button after configuring the same. The next is the “Style” tab with some pre-defined styles. Get creative and add your custom CSS styles into it.

I will go with the default Primary Style and hit the “Save Quiz Style” button.

You can Preview your set configurations on the “Preview Tab” and take a demo test.

Happy with the Set Configurations! Go ahead and Embed it to your HTML or copy the Shortcode and paste it in your webpage HTML code to make it work!

Make sure to play around with it, and come up with an awesome online Test/Quiz to your Webpage. Visit Quiz and Survey Master Documentation to find more on this amazing plugin.

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